Friday, April 20, 2018

Khayri Damyanov

Personal Information
Birthname: Khayri Paxton-Giese
Alias(es): Khayri Damyanov
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Species: Witch

Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eyes Color: Blue
Height: 6'0"

There are two lives dancing inside Khayri's head. One life he is a boy from a extremely poor but happy family of seven sons and three daughters. He's told that it wasn't always this way. Their family once had enough money for the things they needed, but they lost it all when both their parents lost their jobs. The company their father worked for bellied up due to legal issues. Their mother sold her voice in order to save her first born son from insanity. The boy doesn't remember this.

He doesn't remember crawling onto her lap just to listen to her sing, or how even after she lost her voice he crawled onto her lap every night as if it would be the day her voice would return to her. He was a quiet boy. Some claimed too quiet. They said he was locked inside his own world, and there was nothing to be done about it. His mother refused to believe that. She had a way of coaxing him out of himself. It took awhile, but soon his mother's aid wasn't needed for him interact with the world around him. He wasn't as loud or outgoing as some of his siblings, but he didn't stay lock up within himself, either.

The other life he came from a world of wealth beyond wealth, but he didn't know the warmth of a mother's love or the comfort of families' company. He only knew pain and suffering. He was nothing but a weapon to be sharpen and used. He endured hours of excruciating training in order to make him into that perfect weapon. He was pushed past the point of breaking, and forced to go past even that. When he wasn't training he was kept locked inside a small room. Alone.

He begun to hate the world around him, but there was something else growing inside that heart of his besides hatred--a desire for freedom. He wanted out of that prison. One day he got his wish. He found himself out of the room and on a busy city street. He could have return home, but he didn't. Instead, he choose to never return. He carved a life for himself within that city. He became an assassin. He was a weapon after all, and an assassin was nothing more than a weapon.

He became quite infamous. He was known never to miss a target. He always managed to kill whomever he was hired to. This was how he met her. She was a rich socialite used to the world falling at her feet, but she found the one being who was immune to her good looks--the oldest brother of the boy from the first life. She tried everything to get that boy to fall in love with her, but it was all in vain. So, she decided to hire the assassin to kill his family. She told him that if she didn't call him by this time that he was to proceed with kill them. He was paid ahead of time.

He located his targets home, and pretended to be nothing but a poor traveler needing a warm place to stay for the night. It was here that the assassin's life merged with the boy's, who was fourteen years old at the time. It was only suppose to be for a moment, but that is neither here nor there. The family having no idea of his intent invited him in. They provided him with everything they could afford. It wasn't much, but even the assassin understood its true value. He hated it. He hated the warmth they had for one another. He especially hated the warmth they had for him. He refused to admit his hatred came from jealousy. He had always wanted a place to belong. A family to love him. It was his deepest desire, and the one thing he knew he could never have.

The exact time his client told him she would call if the eldest son agreed to be with her came and went. He proceeded to kill them. It wasn't just their physical bodies whom he target that night. He decided to consume their souls. There were power in souls, but it wasn't that power he was interested in. He realized what they were when he stepped into their house. He could sense the enormous amounts of powers hiding beneath the surface, waiting to be harness. He wanted that power for himself. He cast a spell that would give him it.

It was going perfect at first. The boy was one of the first to go. He killed and consumed each of the family members--one at a time until only the youngest daughter and son remained. A girl of sixteen and a boy of twelve. There was something about the girl that drew him. It was almost like there was a light that was ready to burst forth from her. He wanted her, and he didn't see why he couldn't keep her. He decided that was exactly what he was going to do. He told the girl that he wanted her, but made it seem like he wasn't certain if he would be able to have her. He took her that night. Raped her many--all--would say. He killed just her body. He hadn't been hired to consume their souls. It was a touch he just added for himself. So, no one will care if he didn't consume hers. The job would be consider complete as long as her body was dead.

Souls sticks around for a few days before they enter whatever afterlife they are intended for. The assassin knew he could call her soul forth and put it into a new body before the soul even thought about moving on. He killed her, and turned to the last remaining living member of the family--the twelve years old boy. He turned the spell towards the boy, but it was here that the boy's powers awoke. The boy used that power to turn the spell the assassin cast against him. The assassin cast another spell. It was an defensive spell meant to safeguard his own soul against the full force of his soul stealing spells.

It worked. Maybe not as well as the assassin had hoped, or anywhere near it. However, the spell he had cast managed to save enough of his soul that he would be fine, or as fine as someone can be with most of their soul missing. The boy's activated powers weren't the only source of magic that found itself inside the house that night. The eldest son sold his soul to a demon in order to save his family. The demon arrived at the house just as the boy unleashed his own powers, and the demon's powers interacted with the boy's. It added fuel to the fire, and sent the assassin clear away from that house.

He wasn't the only one sent to this location. The fourteen year old boy found his way here. It wasn't inside his own body that he found himself within. No, the boy found himself inside the assassin's body. This surprised the assassin. He had thought he had taken enough of the boy's soul that he wouldn't be able to return. It seemed that wasn't the case. Enough of the boy's soul must have remained that when the demon's entered the house to save the family it plucked the boy's up to do just that, but before he could take his soul anywhere the youngest brother's powers must have interacted with the demon's and sent his soul along with the assassin's soul and body. This wasn't the only thing that the two interacting powers did. It put the soul of the boy into the assassin's body.

 A body isn't meant to house two souls--even fragments of souls. Whenever more than one soul finds themselves inside the same body they fight for dominance until one emerges as the victor by forcing all the other souls to merge with it. The boy's soul seemed to be the stronger of the two. It immediately pushed the assassin down, but the assassin wasn't ready to surrender to the boy. He realized that sometimes you had to be patient, and wait for the right moment to strike. He decided to settle down within the body, and focus on growing his own soul. The thing with controlling a body it takes energy, and the lose of that energy will make the soul grow slower than if it had simply resided inside the body like the assassin decided to do.

Soon after the assassin relinquish control of the body to the boy several people who knew whom the assassin was stumble upon them. It didn't matter how hard the boy tried they wouldn't believe that he wasn't the assassin. They brought him back to the assassin's old life. It was not something that he wanted. He didn't want to be a hired killer. He didn't want to cause another family the same grief his own family experienced. However, it seemed that no matter how hard he tried he found himself falling back into that role. He even liked it more than he claims.

The assassin might have relinquish control of the body to the boy, but that didn't mean he remained silent. He allowed the boy to know that he was there, and with time he begun control over the body from the boy. It was little things at first--a gesture or a touch, but slowly with time those little things turn into something bigger until he has taken complete control of his body. Sometimes it is only for several moments. Others for weeks. This scares the boy. He feels that he is losing the battle of dominance, and decided to pursue rumors he heard about his family being alive. Even if those rumors prove to be untrue his youngest brother had survived the attack. They would help him. But, there is a doubt deep inside him that like everyone else that they won't believe him when he tells them he isn't their killer. The assassin decided to go along with it because according to the rumors his little light--unsurprisingly-- is alive and he wants to collect her.

These rumors turned out to be true, and they taken Khayri to a place he swore he would never return. Of course, he broken this promise before when he discovered he had a twin sister and he went back to when she was a baby and took her. He raised her on his own, making her very aware of their connection. However, after this was done he had sworn he would not return to that place a second time, but it appeared when it comes to this is words hold little value or perhaps it is the simple fact one cannot fight with their destiny. Along with finding his light, he has also discovered the truth of his heritage. While he had always known whom his mother is. A woman whom he holds very mix feeling towards. His father was another story, and he finally found out the identity behind the man. He is a witch by the name of Kyrell Giese. Khayri wants to deny this, but try as he might he cannot deny the truth.

Just like with his mother he has mix feeling towards his father, but he is working on having a relationship with both. He realizes that however strange it sounds his mother had done what she had done because she had loved him. She was doing what she thought was best to keep him safe. Just as he realizes that if his father knew he existed that he would have came from him just as he had came for his daughter Everleigh. Yet, knowing this did not take away the feelings of hurt and betrayal over what his mother had done to him and his father not coming to rescue him as he had dreamed when he was a child.